Serial/Telnet Console
Password Management
setting or resetting passwords from the serial or telnet console
maint> password man 1234
Maint Password changed
maint> password usr 1234
User Password changed
maint> password adm 1234
Admin Password changed
Resetting From Console
maint> reset 0
Self re-starting...
Listing Network Stuff
maint> nr
--- Networking Resources Table ---
Local IP address :
Subnet mask :
Gateway IP address :
Client start address :
Client end address :
Subnet mask for client :
LAN2 Master IP Address :
LAN2 Slave IP Address :
Firewall IP Address :
DNS IP Address :
Turn off TLS on/off
maint> web tls off
Web TLS value is changed to [OFF]!
Web port value is changed to [80]!
DIP Switches
Dip Switch | Fucntion | Status |
Switch 1 | Admin database write protection | |
Switch 2 | Application Mode(ON) / Boot Mode(OFF) | |
Switch 3 | Allow or disallow register device | |
Switch 4 | Initialize system with default |

Call Servers
Recovery Procedure
mon > jennie

Hidden Commands
Level | Command | Description |
maint | a | |
maint | aab | |
maint | acd | |
maint | acl | |
maint | admin | |
maint | arp | |
maint | arpping | |
maint | autoload | |
maint | bt | |
maint | ch | |
maint | changever | |
maint | cli | |
maint | clog | |
maint | codec | |
maint | config | |
maint | cpt | |
maint | database | |
maint | dc | |
maint | dcog | |
maint | dect | |
maint | default | |
maint | del | |
maint | des | |
maint | device | |
maint | devicecfg | |
maint | diag | |
maint | digitevt | |
maint | dir | |
maint | dns | |
maint | ds | |
maint | dsp | |
maint | dsque | |
maint | dssema | |
maint | dstask | |
maint | dtmf | |
maint | dtmfd | |
maint | e | |
maint | erase | |
maint | free | |
maint | fssrc | |
maint | ftpc | |
maint | fsxx | |
maint | getconfig | |
maint | h323 | |
maint | history | |
maint | ifconfig | |
maint | igmp | |
maint | ina | |
maint | initauthocode | |
maint | ipblock | |
maint | ipcr | |
maint | ipdump | |
maint | isdn | |
maint | ismdr | |
maint | issue | |
maint | ks | |
maint | lcs | |
maint | link | |
maint | linkauto | |
maint | linkset | |
maint | log | |
maint | logcpures | |
maint | logtcp | |
maint | lss_info | |
maint | mac | |
maint | maem | |
maint | mfim | |
maint | misc | |
maint | mr | |
maint | msn | |
maint | musicgain | |
maint | mw | |
maint | nation | |
maint | net | |
maint | nr | |
maint | ns | |
maint | ntps | |
maint | p | |
maint | password | |
maint | patd | |
maint | phy | |
maint | ping | |
maint | ppp | |
maint | prof | |
maint | prompt | |
maint | prot8dgt | |
maint | proxy | |
maint | q | |
maint | qidfix | |
maint | qlcd | |
maint | qmw | |
maint | rc | |
maint | rd | |
maint | rdup | |
maint | remark | |
maint | resdf | |
maint | resdo | |
maint | reset | |
maint | rom | |
maint | route | |
maint | rp | |
maint | rs | |
maint | rtcreg | |
maint | rtctest | |
maint | s | |
maint | scr | |
maint | set | |
maint | setsw | |
maint | sipinfo | |
maint | siplog | |
maint | sipstack | |
maint | sipvideo | |
maint | smdr | |
maint | smtp | |
maint | snmp | |
maint | sdp | |
maint | sdpname | |
maint | sram | |
maint | srl | |
maint | srtp | |
maint | srtptest | |
maint | sys | |
maint | sysconf | |
maint | systel | |
maint | ta | |
maint | tcpkeepalive | |
maint | tdmdsp | |
maint | tiesvc | |
maint | tone | |
maint | traceroute | |
maint | ts | |
maint | tsms | |
maint | tt | |
maint | up | |
maint | upgradedss | |
maint | usb | |
maint | vcs | |
maint | ver | |
maint | vlan | |
maint | vme | |
maint | vmex | |
maint | vsf | |
maint | vsfprompt | |
maint | vsvm | |
maint | watchdog | |
maint | web | |
maint | ws | |
maint | xbdinit | |
maint | yaffs | |
mon | a | |
mon | c | |
mon | clear | |
mon | d | |
mon | dc | |
mon | df | |
mon | di | |
mon | dj | |
mon | ds | |
mon | dw | |
mon | dx | |
mon | dz | |
mon | history | |
mon | i | |
mon | ks | |
mon | l | |
mon | loopcalltest | |
mon | ltc | |
mon | m | |
mon | p | |
mon | q | |
mon | qbg | |
mon | qc | |
mon | qcg | |
mon | qconf | |
mon | qcpr | |
mon | qdl | |
mon | qdt | |
mon | qflx | |
mon | qgain | |
mon | qidfix | |
mon | dl | |
mon | dled | |
mon | qmw | |
mon | qn | |
mon | qp | |
mon | ||
mon | qqq | |
mon | qr | |
mon | qspd | |
mon | qtd | |
mon | qv | |
mon | qw | |
mon | qz | |
mon | rfl | |
mon | s | |
mon | stsf | |
mon | t | |
mon | traceroute | |
mon | ver | |
mon | vip | |
mon | vlog | |
mon | yaffs |
maint> vcs
*** Co Attribute ***
CO(00): sip+relay CO(01): sip+relay CO(02): sip+relay CO(03): sip+relay
*** Call State Descriptions ***
— CHANNEL [0] ——————–
Call Type : SIP Outgoing, State : Setup
audio(p1:7000, rx) : codec=g.711-u ptm=20, ssrc=ffff0001, pkt=618
audio(p2:7300, rx) : codec=g.711-u ptm=20, ssrc=22e20545, pkt=573
audio(p2:7300, tx) : codec=g.711-u ptm=20, ssrc=2c61096d, pkt=572
open time : 22:51:49:174(ms), Aug 3(Tue) 2021
view time : 22:52:03:526(ms), Aug 3(Tue) 2021
Total active call(s) : 1
Maximum busy channel count: 1
SIP Call count : 5
H.323 Call count : 0 listen(0)
Relay Call count : 0
Latest released call –
open time : 22:49:37:265(ms), Aug 3(Tue) 2021
close time : 22:49:45:278(ms), Aug 3(Tue) 2021
— MC Cnannel information —
[00] fd=280/281,, codec=g.711-u:20ms
p2 dsp: 0
unix commands
maint> sys uname -a
Linux iPECS #105 Thu Nov 15 20:16:19 KST 2012 armv4tl unknown
maint> sys netstat -l
Active Internet connections (only servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
tcp 0 0 : LISTEN
tcp 0 0 : LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:7878 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:9992 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:7176 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:5003 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:80 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:21 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 *:1720 *:* LISTEN
tcp 0 0 : LISTEN
Getting a linux console shell
maint> sys /bin/sh
BusyBox v1.01 (2010.06.29-06:22+0000) Built-in shell (ash)
Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands.
/bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off
/ # ls
appmain etc mnt stn_dss.tar.gz
appsub1 fault_log.txt nand1 tls_key.tar.gz
appsub2 home proc tmp
appsub3 lib root usr
bin linuxrc sbin var
dev lost+found sram
/ #
password: remotejannie
inner password: jannie
these are the ports used by VOIM24:
IPKTS Protocol (Unicast) 5588 UDP
IPKTS Protocol (Multicast – IP 6254 UDP
H.323 Signalling Channel 1720 TCP
H.245 Control Channel 2048 – 3071 Note2) TCP
Audio Channels – P1 (RTP/RTCP) 6000 – 6047 UDP
Audio Channels – P2 (RTP/RTCP) 8000 – 8047 UDP
Audio Channels – H.323/SIP (RTP/RTCP) 9000 – 9047 UDP
T.38 Fax Relay 9200 -9247 UDP
Data Forwarding (for VideoPhone Application Sharing) 8500 – 8547 TCP
TCP Maintenance 5003 TCP
HTTP Server 80 TCP
SIP Signalling Channel 5060 UDP
Password: ipkts
Note before clearing the adm keyset password the UCP may happen to still have the default keyset password so try 147*2016
LIK modules seem to have isolated gounds on the DB9 body the UCP is grounded via R324 bridge